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Press Releases

Intek Inc. Launches Low Flow Controller

Intek Inc. is excited to announce the launch of the Rheotherm® Model 210 Low-Flow Controller – the newest addition to their line of flow instruments.

The Rheotherm Low-Flow Controller consists of a standard Rheotherm Model 210 Flow Meter with an integrated proportional control valve. The Flow Controller can measure and control the flow rate of either liquids or gases inline by continuously adjusting the valve to maintain the measured flow to a user-determined setpoint. The flow rate setpoint is set either by adjusting an onboard potentiometer or via an external 0-5V analog input.

The Rheotherm Low-Flow Controller utilizes the thermal mass principle for highly accurate and repeatable measurement of the fluid through an unobstructed flow path through the sensor. The instrument includes temperature compensation and accounts for pressure variations making it compatible with a wide variety of processes and fluids. A unique characteristic of the Rheotherm Flow Controller is the ability to measure liquid and gas flows in very low flow ranges from 0.03 cc/min for liquids and 0.0017 SCFM for gases.

Typical applications for the Rheotherm Low-Flow Controller include those where precise metering is needed such as dosing of water treatment chemicals, ingredient amounts for foods and pharmaceuticals, and wafer cleaning and thin film deposition for semiconductors.

For more information about the Rheotherm® Model 210 Low-Flow Controller visit the Low Flow Controller page.

Intek Achieves ATEX and IECx Certification for Rheotherm® Instruments

Effective June 13, 2019, Intek, Inc. received ATEX and IECEx Certifications for its Rheotherm line of flow meters and flow switches for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and hazardous environments.

This certification applies to the following Rheotherm models:
• Model 210R Flow Meter
• Model 100FS Flow Switch
• Model 100 Flow Meter

The certifications apply to all available Rheotherm sensor styles – inline (TU/TUL/TUS) or insertion probes (NPT/BF/RV/PG). For more information about the operation of Intek’s Rheotherm instruments in hazardous locations, including the applicable standards included with this certification, visit Flow Instruments for Hazardous Locations page.

Intek Congratulates NASA on its 60th Anniversary

On October 1, 2018, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) celebrated 60 years of discovery, exploration and innovation. Several organizations, including Intek, joined in congratulating NASA for all of their accomplishments in research and space exploration over the years that have resulted in countless advancements in our everyday technology. To view some brief videos summarizing these accomplishments, visit NASA’s 60 Years and Counting page.

Intek has a long history of successful projects working with NASA. Through our partnership with Boeing, Intek developed liquid ammonia flow meters and temperature sensors for the Active Thermal Control System on the International Space Station (ISS), which led to several other projects for the ISS. This success resulted in several projects with NASA where Intek developed monitoring and control instrumentation for the Space Shuttle program. For a complete description of the projects completed for NASA, click HERE

Intek was one of several organizations that participated in a special anniversary edition of USA Today to commemorate the anniversary. Click HERE to view the USA Today Special Edition ‘NASA at 60’ (see our ad on page 44).

Intek Earns Certification for ISO 9001:2015

Effective September 8, 2018, Intek, Inc. was certified under ISO 9001:2015 standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Intek originally earned certification under ISO 9001:2000 in 2004 and has been audited and registered since that time by MCNA (Management Certification of North America).

Intek Quality Manager Collin Eckel said, “We are excited to earn this newest certification and believe it speaks to the culture of ‘Process Excellence and Continuous Improvement’ here at Intek. We strive daily to exceed our customer’s expectations in all areas and this certification speaks to that ongoing commitment.”

Intek began the internal process of re-certification in 2015, by comparing existing procedures against the new requirements. Since the company was already certified under the 2008 standards of performance, only minor adjustments were required to the processes in place to meet the new standards. Click HERE to view the certificate.

ASME Heat Exchanger Committee selects paper presented by Dr. Tim Harpster for publication

The paper presented by Dr. Tim Harpster at the ASME 2017 Power & Energy Conference, “Instrumentation for the Advancement of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design or for Implementing an Upgrade via a Retrofit Process”, was selected as the best paper for publication by the organization’s Heat Exchanger Committee.

The paper describes a new approach for designing and implementing upgrades to shell and tube condensers for improved performance using advanced instrumentation and analysis. The paper can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here: Instrumentation for the Advancement of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design.

Industry Publications

Process Cooling Magazine article: Monitoring Condenser Cooling Water Flow

This case study explores how investing in a condenser-monitoring system with proper flow measurement provided an immediate return for the plant operator. Read the article by clicking here.

ILS-Integrated Lab Solutions Uses Rheotherm Model 210
in High-Temperature Reactor

ILS-Integrated Lab Solutions, based in Berlin, solved a difficult application challenge in their Vinyl Acetate Monomer Reactor using Intek’s Rheotherm Model 210. The process, which involves extremely high temperatures and low flow rates, could not be controlled using most commercial thermal mass or Coriolis mass flow controllers. The application required the selection and integration of both a flow sensor and a control valve capable of handling both the high temperature and the corrosive acid used in the process. They chose to use a high-temperature Intek flow meter combined with an Equilibar dome-loaded multiple orifice control valve.

The white paper describing the solution can also be viewed and downloaded by clicking here: ILS-Integrated Lab Solutions Uses Equilibar to Provide Flow Control for High Temperature Vinyl Acetate Monomer Reactor (PDF).

Performance Improvement Opportunities
During a Condenser Retube

This article, which was featured in Energy-Tech Magazine’s Heat Exchanger Series, details how a critically under-performing condenser at Minnesota Power’s Boswell Energy Center was upgraded by Intek using their 4-Step Condenser Performance Evaluation process.

Read and download the article by clicking here: Minnesota Power Boswell Condenser Upgrade (PDF).

Condenser Monitoring Instrumentation Identifies Abnormal Condition

This article describes how Intek’s condenser instrumentation, which was installed to monitor condenser performance at East Kentucky Power Cooperative’s Spurlock Generating Station, helped the plant to identify an abnormal condition caused by debris in the cooling water before it caused major damage to the system.

Read and download the article by clicking here: Identifying Condenser Fouling at EKPC Spurlock Station (PDF).

Condenser Performance Response to Air Ingress (Air In-Leak) and Exhauster Operation

In this article, Intek engineers explain how the measurement of a new parameter provided exclusively by Intek’s RheoVac Air In-Leak Monitor can help identify the source of condenser performance issues including excess back pressure, reduced heat rate and output, increased DO and other performance-stealing problems.

Read and download the article by clicking here: Continuous Air In-Leakage Measurement (PDF).

Condenser Retrofits: Upgrading Condensers without Adding Tubes or Changing Tube Material

This webinar is available for viewing at your convenience. Click here to view the webinar recording.

Power Magazine article: Improve Condenser Performance Through Better Instrumentation

This linked article discusses the value power generation plants receive from having appropriate online monitoring of plant parameters. One of the Case Studies looks at a plant’s experience with real-time air in-leakage monitoring. Read more by clicking here.

Installation of Steam Side Retrofit Results In Lower Condenser Pressure (0.6-1.0″ HgA)

Performance study by Intek on an Ingersoll Rand and a Westinghouse condenser concluded that the condensers were under performing. Intek’s advanced instrumentation subsequently identified air storage in the steam space as the main culprit for the poor performance. A condenser retrofit to both units designed by Intek and installed during a retubing outage eliminated the air storage and significantly improved condenser performance.
Read and download the whitepaper by clicking here: Condenser performance improvement after retrofit (PDF).

Circulating Water Flow and Fouling Meters: A New Tool for Reducing Back Pressure

An article originally published in Energy-Tech magazine highlighted the valuable information provided by Intek’s unique Circulating Water Flow and Fouling (CWFF) meters. Part of the Rheotherm family of precision flow instruments used in power plants, these CWFF meters gave the subject power plant a look at the water flow conditions in the circulating water system in an effort to combat microbiological influenced corrosion. In addition, a clearer picture was obtained of circulating pump operation, debris flushing efforts, and eductor plugging.
Read and download this article by clicking here: CWFF Meters identify fouling issues (PDF).

Helping a Nuclear Power Plant Solve a Problem

Based on Intek’s extensive experience with condenser operation and design, a nuclear power plant came to Intek for a solution to their unique problem. An issue encountered during outage work in the condenser needed to be accurately, and quickly, analyzed. A thorough analysis of the problem, with a specific recommendation was provided within a week.
Read and download the whitepaper by clicking here: Condenser problem analysis identifies issues (PDF).

Optimizing Condenser Performance: A Case Study

Intek undertook a project to improve the performance of a 37 year old condenser during a retubing outage. Since coming back on line after the retrofit, the plant has achieved record low condenser pressures for equivalent operating conditions, record low condenser condensate DO levels below 4 ppb, a 200% increase in polisher resin life, and a 6% heat rate reduction for the two years following the retrofit outage.
Read and download this whitepaper by clicking here: Condenser retrofit significantly improves performance (PDF).

More Productivity Pays Off for Northeast Power Plant

This article, which was featured in Energy-Tech Magazine’s Heat Recovery Systems and HRSG Series, discusses how Intek helped Conectiv Energy’s plant in Edgemoor, Delaware save more than $500,000 in fuel cost by identifying a large air in-leak.

Read and download the article by clicking here: Utility Saves $500K with Intek Instrumentation (PDF).

Paper Presentations

Condenser Performance Monitoring with Advanced Instrumentation

In this presentation from the 2021 Combined Cycle Users Group Conference, Intek senior condenser engineer Collin Eckel discuss how using the proper instrumentation can enable plants to monitor condenser performance in real time to help identify and eliminate common plant performance issues such as excess turbine back pressure, air in-leakage and other condenser-related problems.

The slides can be downloaded by clicking here: Condenser Performance Monitoring with Advanced Instrumentation (PDF).

“Essential Monitoring for Quickly Identifying & Repairing Air in-leak Sources”

This webinar which was part of the program for the 2020 Steam Turbine Users Group conference presents case studies highlighting a new process for repairing air in-leaks which combines leaks identified through a condenser helium leak audit with condenser vent line air in-leakage measurements using a RheoVac® Multi-Sensor Probe (MSP). This approach allows the user to quantify and quickly locate individual air in-leaks to expedite their repair and restore operating performance.

The MSP, which is installed in the vent line between the condenser and exhauster, directly measures and continuously calculates the condenser’s total air in-leakage rate. Data from the MSP allows for narrowing the search areas for potential leaks thereby reducing the overall time and increasing the success in locating and repairing leaks. The readings from the MSP quantifies the impact of each repaired leak. The user can then be certain that the condenser’s total air in-leakage has been reduced to an acceptable level.

Download the presentation slides here (PDF)
User info required to download.

Condenser Performance: Meaningful Data with Minimal Instruments

In this presentation from the EPRI Condenser Technology Conference, Intek engineers Collin Eckel and Dr. Tim Harpster describe the instruments developed by Intek for shell and tube heat exchangers and their measurements made in operating large scale condenser units. The results obtained from analyzing the data provided by these instruments have been used to design upgrades for underperforming steam surface condensers.

Dr. Tim Harpster EPRI Presentation
Dr. Tim Harpster presents at the 2017 EPRI Conference Audience

The slides can be downloaded by clicking here: EPRI Condenser Technology 2017 – Minimal Instruments (PDF).

Click here for a complete listing of power industry papers presented by Intek.


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