Individual Condenser Tube Circulating Water Flow and Fouling Meter in Performance Monitoring & Troubleshooting

Harpster, T.J., Harpster, J.W., Shah, S., Weber, G., & Horn, M.,

“Application of New Individual Condenser Tube Circulating Water Flow and Fouling Meter in Performance Monitoring & Troubleshooting – A Case Study” ASME Power 2008, Orlando, FL, July 22-24, 2008.


Low cost, reliable and accurate real time measurements of condenser cooling water flow rate, temperatures and tube side fouling for the purpose of condenser performance monitoring and troubleshooting is presented. The importance and the effects of these parameters on condenser performance are well understood and periodically estimated using indirect measurements such as dye dilution testing, distributed temperature sensors in waterboxes and differential pressure measurements. These measurements, while useful, are antiquated given current advanced measurement technologies and often are inadequate to identify performance inhibiting issues quickly and accurately.

This paper presents a cooperative study by Plastocor, Intek and MidWest Generation on the effects of circulating water flow and fouling and Plastocor protective tube coatings on condenser performance. This study was initiated to evaluate new Circulating Water Flow and Fouling instrumentation and an ongoing problematic MIC attack on the SS condenser tubes; however, the study unveiled a number of issues that require further investigation. Real-time in-situ circulating water flow and fouling data will be presented that.

  1. Correlates real-time flow measurements to fouling as it occurs
  2. Assists in the evaluation of different circulating water pump capacities
  3. Quantifies the effect of various bidirectional flow configurations that affect overall circulating water flow rate
  4. Provides an indication of the effect of Plastocor tube coatings (for the purposes of recovering compromised tubes due to MIC attack and preventing MIC attack on tubes) on tube heat transfer and fouling prevention
  5. Identifies flow stratification within the waterbox and identifies whether or not waterboxes are filled
  6. Identifies other performance related findings

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