Step 3: Advanced Performance Evaluation


Condenser performance upgrades are a reduction of condensing pressure resulting from engineering design changes to the condenser. Condenser performance upgrades can be achieved by reducing hydraulic losses between the turbine exhaust and tube bundle or reducing the amount of air binding inherent to the design of the condenser. These changes can take place with or without a condenser retube however, condenser retubing outages are golden opportunities for significant performance upgrades via the retrofit process.

In this step, Intek determines the best solution for the condenser condenser-performanceproblems that have been identified. Several options are analyzed and typically the most cost effective solution is selected. Intek determines the obtainable performance level and provides a report describing the expected operational improvements for the plant. This report provides the customer the information needed to make an informed decision about implementing the suggested Engineering Modifications. A minimum level of improvement is guaranteed.  For example, at one plant Intek identified excess backpressure of 0.32” HgA; 0.13” HgA was attributed to condenser design restrictions, which Intek guaranteed to alleviate if a design solution was pursued and implemented.

Use the form on this page to submit your inquiry today for us to review the condenser problems/issues you wish to address.