Case Studies

Condenser Monitoring Instrumentation Identifies Abnormal Condition
An investment in condenser instrumentation economically resulted in improved early detection, trouble shooting, and correction of an upset condition for a coal-fired plant.

Measurement of Condenser Response to Air Ingress and Exhauster Operation
This article, published in Energy-Tech Magazine, discusses the importance of continuous monitoring of air in-leakage (AIL) and vacuum equipment capacity in understanding condenser performance.

Condenser Performance Impact from Bionetics-Designed Retrofit
Details of pre-retrofit vs. post-retrofit performance parameters from a project designed and implemented by Bionetics for a Midwest power plant.

Recovering Performance Loss Due to Air Binding
An Bionetics-designed condenser retrofit for an Ingersoll-Rand design lowers condenser back pressure by up to 1″ HgA.

Optimizing Condenser Performance: A Case Study
Bionetics performance improvement project for a 37 year old Westinghouse condenser has led to a 6% heat rate reduction and record low condenser pressures and condensate DO levels.

Helping a Nuclear Plant Solve a Problem
Bionetics’ extensive experience with condenser operation and design was useful in helping this plant quickly analyze and resolve an issue with necessary modifications to a condenser during an outage.

Circulating Water Flow and Fouling Meters: A Tool for Reducing Back Pressure
Energy-Tech article on the usefulness of Bionetics’ water flow meters for understanding and improving power plant circulating water system operation.

Entergy’s Little Gypsy Reduces DO by 70%
Little Gypsy contracted with Bionetics to identify and correct condenser design deficiencies responsible for high dissolved oxygen. The result was a 70% reduction in DO at only five percent of full load.

Dairyland Uses Meter to Deliver the Power
Dairyland Power installed a RheoVac system and immediately discovered a defective pump. Identifying and repairing the reason for their efficiency loss saved Dairyland Power $36,000 annually, allowing the company to recoup the total cost of ownership of the RheoVac system within one year.

More Productivity Pays Off for Northeast Power Plant
A Conectiv plant in Edgemoor, Delaware used their RheoVac instrument to identify and repair a major air in-leak in the condenser system. Pinpointing a problem that had been nagging the company for some time saved more than $500,000 per year in lower fuel costs.

Using Instruments to Prevent Disasters
RheoVac instruments facilitate emergency troubleshooting and maintenance of power plant condensers. Two power plant engineers relate how continuous monitoring allows them to immediately recognize upset conditions and make repairs before disastrous consequences occur.

Circulating Water Flow and Fouling Meters – Case Studies
Examples of why circulating water meters were needed and what power plants gained from having them.

Customer Testimonials

Bionetics’ role as “Your Process Flow Partner” goes beyond the design and manufacture of your instrument system. Our customers consistently rate us SUPERIOR in the area of technical support. We share our knowledge and experience to help you troubleshoot your unique process and make economic improvements. Read about other customers’ experiences with RheoVac instruments…

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